06. Latent Image


Trevor sits down with Alastair to flip through his memories of Star Trek magazines before experiencing some trouble with the nature of individuality in the Voyager Season 5 episode “Latent Image”.


Show notes

Star Trek Magazines

Episode Discussion

Listener Email

Hi Folks!
First off, I just want to say I’m a big fan of the show. I think your exploration of the larger Trek fandom combined with finding the buried treasure of Trek episodes is a novel concept. It’s really given me a new appreciation for some of those hidden gems, and I have had a great time rewatching them along with the podcast.
You were sharing some Star Trek convention memories, and I wanted to share a few of my own. I was lucky enough to attend the 2011 and 2012 Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expos, which both had a big Star Trek presence.
At the 2011 show, I was lucky enough to meet Johnathon Frakes and William Shatner. Frakes is a TALL man, he absolutely dwarfed me, but he also was very kind. He gave me a direct order to not shave my beard, an order I’ve diligently followed to this day. I didn’t get to have much interaction with Shatner, they shuffled everyone through quickly. But ultimately they both signed my Enterprise users manual, which is one of my most beloved Star Trek possessions.
2012 was the big show, celebrating 25 years of TNG’s debut. I was a TNG kid growing up, so I stayed an extra week in Calgary after my internship ended to attend the show. BUT my then-girlfriend couldn’t stay, so I went so far as to allow her to fly home to the Canadian east coast by herself- just so I could stay and attend this show. They had the entire TNG bridge crew at the Expo. I didn’t get to meet all of them, but I did meet Frakes again, and had some awesome interactions with Wil Wheaton and Brent Spiner. I also got the photo with Patrick Stewart, who was very polite and kind.
I hadn’t thought about some of these memories in a long time, so many great Trek related stories came out of those shows.
Sorry for the long email! Keep up the great work guys!
PS- miraculously, that girlfriend married me, and even bought me the TNG blu rays for Christmas one year. It took some time but she’s slowly becoming a Trekkie herself, being a fan of Lower Decks. I’m very lucky to have her in my life!

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07. Who Mourns for Morn?


05. The Galileo Seven